Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Rise in Resiliency (RR) headquartered?

Outside of Austin, Texas. But our Founder and Executive Director, Anna Claybaugh, currently resides in Costa Rica and works with projects directly!

When were we established?

On June 8th, 2020 we became an official 501c(3), federally recognized non-profit organization. We are incorporated in the state of Texas.

What is our mission and vision?

Mission: Rise in Resiliency is a non-profit organization working in underserved communities to preserve cultural traditions, co-create holistic health initiatives, and improve economic sustainability

Vision: We envision thriving sustainable communities with equitable and culturally-informed  access to holistic health management.

What are our guiding principles?

Equity | Our holistic services intend to increase mental health support for those who historically have not had access to them.

Diversity | We prioritize diversity and inclusiveness within our organization and our external partners.

Community-Driven | We prioritize the importance of culturally relevant, responsive, linguistically appropriate, and community-led interventions.

Trauma-Informed | We utilize a social justice lens, strength-based and trauma-informed approach in all of our work.

Sustainable Interventions | We focus on sustainability in our interventions for continuous improvement and innovation.

Integrity | We practice good stewardship and transparency in all aspects of operations and programming.

Are you a nonprofit and/or a (501c3)?

Yes, we are a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit under the legal name Fostering Resiliency International, Inc. We do our business as (dba) under the assumed name of Rise in Resiliency. This means donations are free from tax at the federal level.

How are you funded?

We aim to be funded by personal donations, grants, and communities that are in alignment with our mission and values.

How do I make a donation?

You Can Donate Here!

Is there a minimum donation? 

No, all donations of any size are highly appreciated and valued.

Is it tax deductible? 


Can I donate the materials themselves rather than a cash donation? 

It depends! Reach out to us through e-mail to discuss further!

Where does RR offer services?

RR is open to working with all types of people and communities that historically do not have access to mental health resources and/or mental health leaders. Currently, we are operating out of Costa Rica.

How do you ensure integrity?

RR ensures that we utilize our values to guide our actions. We ensure that the services we deliver are based on community-based needs and require collaboration in our program delivery. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and interact in an open, honest, positive manner that is guided by what is ethical, accurate, and of the highest respect for the clients that we work with.

How do I get involved?

RR is always looking to collaborate with others! Reach out to us through our Work with Us page!